Alpha/beta add-on versioning


I am unclear how/if alpha/beta add-ons versions are supposed to work now.

Say i have a SDK-based add-on with many users as version 6.3.3. Version 7.0.0 is WebExtensions-based, with minimal Firefox version requirement to 57.

If i push now a version 7.0.0a1 (still alpha because it still lacks a number of features even if the main ones are present), i presume that only users on the beta channel will be updated, right ?

If i do not push a 7.0.0 update, on Nov 57 when Firefox 57 is released, will the rest of the users be updated automatically to 7.0.0a1, or will they just get the add-on disabled ?

Am i correct to assume that the post-review process is already place and we should not expect any delay (other than network caching) when submitting a new update ?


It will be disabled.

That’s correct.