Africa Reps Meetup - Summary

William Quiviger and I were in Nairobi a few weeks ago for the Reps Africa meetup. Here is our summary / report of the event.


  • Mozilla Africa leadership is aligned on top organizational goals and is confident, excited and motivated for the future
  • Community best practices shared and discussed to improve how we streamline decision making, encourage participation and increase productivity
  • A first draft of a 2015 roadmap of major initiatives that tie back to product line goals is created and all participants are committed to working on it

More details in the document.

If you were there, please share your experience of the event. Feedback welcome by all.

Brian and William


@yousef it seems google drive/docs onebox is resulting in a blank box or it’s just me?

Looks like an issue on Google’s end, they’re not sending the correct headers for embedded documents.

he need to get the shared link

@bking Hi Brian. I was actually made aware of your meet the same day you left. We’ll be more proactive in future not to miss out. Waiting for the summary to be available :smile:

Visit again soon.


Thank you very much indeed Brian and William for sharing this report.
As a participant, I think that this is a laudable initiative which has definitely given a big boost to the African Mozilla Communities. I would like to show my appreciation for Brian and William, they were the two energetic ‘icons’ in this meetup. The approaches and methodologies they used made this meetup lively and interactive with a good dose of humour . Everybody got the chance to contribute and share experiences which were very fruitful for all the participants in their endeavor to push Mozilla mission forward. We had very nice and unforgettable moments together and surely this will create an impact on our future. See you all soon!


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Much needed meetup, thanks @bking and @williamq for this write out.

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Thanks for the great summary guys. We did discuss a lot of stuff during the meetup, that in itself has had a huge impact to the community…having people meet face to face to share their success and challenges.

The next round of impact as you hinted lies in the next steps and following up on deliverables and resolutions we came up with so I’m quite excited on:

  1. Some feedback from the participation team on the 6 initiatives after you’ve shared it with them and heard what they have to say
  2. Monthly calls to check in on the progress of all initiatives with all participants

I hope/envision 2 things to come from this:

  1. Empowered participants with a holistic view on Mozilla in Africa ie having a high level knowledge of where we are going and how we’ll get there while still being able to zone in on specific functional areas of interest
  2. Have more responsibilities/action items (with templates) for contributors that will help in improving skill levels and lead to more sustainable communities

Much needed meetup thanks @bking , @xelawafs and @williamq for all.

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