Add-on approved but link not working

Hello !

My firefox add-on has been approved, but here the issue :

When i’m clicking on “Manage Statuts & Version” i can download my add-on files and install it, but when i’m clicking on “Edit product page” and follow my extension link, i can’t find my extension :…/gestion.

I’m in self distribution, maybe it can explain why ? Can i change it ?

Thanks you very much !

If the extension only has self-distributed versions, it will not be available in a public listing on AMO. You can choose how a version is self-distributed or publicly listed in the upload step.

Thanks for your reply. Is it not possible to change between self-distributed and publicly after the upload step ? thanks

Not that I’m aware of. You select how a version is distributed when uploading it. You can always upload a new version (with a bump in the version number) as listed…

Ok thank you very much !