[Activate] Improving the Build Your Own Extension Campaign

Over the last few weeks, Mozilla Reps and extension enthusiasts @viswanathamsantosh @VP7, @trishul, and @karthic have been brainstorming ways to improve the "Build Your Own Extension for Firefox and Beyond" Activate campaign (formerly titled Build Your Own WebExtension) with the goal of helping new extension developers complete an original extension and submit it to addons.mozilla.org (AMO).

Their ideas have been incorporated into a new event flow. As they test this flow in the upcoming weeks, they post-event recaps, updates, and best practices to this thread. The Activate campaign will be updated based on the effectiveness of these tests.

Many thanks to the core team for identifying areas of improvement within the activity, creating great resources for new extension developers, and continuing to share their knowledge with their communities! Thanks also to @couci, @Mte90, and @mkohler for their feedback and guidance.


Hi all,

After a few months of testing proposed changes to the Build Your Own Extension Activate campaign, I am pleased to announce that the new event flow developed by @viswanathamsantosh, @VP7, @trishul, and @karthic have been officially adopted!

You can find the updated activity at https://activate.mozilla.community/webextensions/.

The new activity recommends that event hosts run a series of workshops for new extension developers to help deepen their familiarity with the WebExtensions API. There are also more links to resources like code examples and video tutorials about how to use the APIs.

The translated pages still have the old activity on them. If you would like to help translate them to reflect the new workflow, you can find more information on the GitHub repo.

Thanks again to the core team for their leadership and terrific contributions to this campaign! I look forward to hearing from event hosts about how the new flow works for them.


Thanks for the continuous mentor ship @caitmuenster , @couci @mkohler

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