[Action Required] Review Firefox glossary in top 12 locales

FYI, forwarding this message from @pmo to product localizers.

Please, reach out to the locale manager on pontoon if you want to help.

Hello Localizers,

Though the request is for the following locales, if your locale is not
listed here but your community would like to create one, please read on.

Project name: Firefox key terminology localization review
Languages: de, es, fr, id, it, ja, nl, pl, pt-BR, ru, tr, zh-CN
Source file folder:
(version 1: 79 terms)

Background: The terms in the list is created for Firefox products. The
localized terms are put together by our localization vendor by looking them
up in https://transvision.mozfr.org. Our localization vendors will
reference to these terms whenever they are asked to work on Mozilla
projects. This will ensure terminology consistency between products, web
projects, and marketing content. This is a working document. We expect new
terms to be added on a quarterly basis. Terms used in marketing content for
Mozilla advocacy content will be added in the future.

Access to the file:
Send me a request by clicking on the link
and the locale file you want to have access to.

If there are multiple people contributing to the same locale, @locale
manager, please send me a list of email addresses so I can grant access to
all. I want to be able to distinguish between a contributor and a spam
request (which I get with certain frequency).

If you want to work off of Google drive, you can download the file. Once
done, send me an updated file.


  • Review and confirm the accuracy of the terms prefilled in the file.
  • If you disagree with a term, check it in Transvision and/or Pontoon,
    then provide in “Suggestion” column the different term to be used and
    “Reason” column to explain why.
  • There are a few empty cells that are highlighted in YELLOW. These are
    terms that the agency couldn’t find in Transvision and may have been missed
    unintentionally. Please fill those cells if you can. Do NOT change the cell
  • Once you are done with your locale, please send me an email.
  • Deadline: July 22. This is purely indicative. If you need more time,
    let me know.

Locales not listed in the top 12:

  • We would love to expand the glossary project to more locales. If you
    can help create one for your locale, please make a copy of the English
    add the terms in the “Locale code” column.
  • Collaborate with others in the community to ensure the accuracy of the
    localized terms.
  • The terms should agree with how they are used in the actual products.
  • Once done, send (or share with) me the file, I will pass it on to our
  • Whenever we add new terms, you will be asked to do the same moving
    forward. We will update the English source quarterly or as needed in order
    to support a major release and/or marketing campaign.

Thank you,


I don’t see any fr file.

There’s one for FR -> https://drive.google.com/open?id=15a7BS62d3FCPXpdFHxb1g9uF4Q_fc9i6Jyz5Tk_D6OU

Thank you so much,
I’m Ruba from Palestine, im contributing with Pontoon
I will start an Arabic (AR) Locale, and collaborate with others in the Arabic community, and get back to you soon.

I have a question please:
So in the locale column, should i write it as it is used in the current glossary (transvision)? and if i have a suggestion i will write it in the suggestion column, right ?