The MDN category is for discussing topics related to the MDN site. If you want to be involved in making MDN more awesome, please share your ideas, opinions, questions, etc. Please observe the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines to create a safe and positive community for everyone.
You can also start a discussion by sending an email message to
Topics that belong in this category include:
- Planning and coordinating changes to the site
- Creating, translating, and maintaining the content of the site
- Developing the underlying Kuma platform
- Developing other software and data that support MDN Web Docs, such as Kumascript macros, and browser compatibility data (BCD).
- Note that questions related to the Learning Area tutorials (or learning web development generally), should go in the MDN/Learn subcategory
If a topic is about the content or functionality of the MDN site, it belongs here.
Some topic areas that probably don’t belong here:
- Trouble-shooting about web development that isn’t tied to specific content on MDN. You may be able to get better help by posting on StackOverflow, which is designed for answering such questions.
- Bug reports or questions about Firefox, Firefox Development Tools, or Firefox Add-ons or Web Extensions (unless they’re related to specific articles on MDN)
- General comments about Mozilla, not related to MDN
We’ll try to redirect such topics to other forums where they can be more appropriately addressed, but we might not do so in a timely manner, as members here are focused on making MDN as awesome as possible.
Note that by default, this view includes posts in the MDN/Learn subcategory; if you’d rather not see those posts here, change the subcategory selection (second-menu-from-the-left in the top nav menu) to “none” instead of “all”.