About Establishment of club

As I joined for FSA From india,in my University there is no Firefox club,as i am a member Of FSA can i Start a new club,Please Reply Me.

Hi @rahuldevm! Have you checked if there is an existing FSA club at your university? If not, then can you gather up a few Mozilla and Open Web enthusiasts for a meet up? Then perhaps you all can decide how to go on with working as a club. Remember, it’s both a lot fun and easy to work as a team :smiley:

After the meeting you will have to talk to your university authority, the Office of Student Affairs to be specific, about opening the club. After that try organizing the first ever event at your awesome university :smiley: knock me on Facebook or Twitter for any question you have.

can we use firefox logo in the id cards we issue for our club members
kindly reply

we decided to create new club .
waiting for reply
thank you

First of all, I am extremely sorry for replying so so so late :frowning:

Secondly, congratulations on creating your club :smiley: can’t wait to see what awesome things you are doing!

It’s totally fine if you use the Firefox and any related logo for non-commercial purpose. Be sure to follow Mozilla’s style guide when creating logos, posters etc. Just give the link to your designer, they will know what to do :smile:

Don’t hesitate to contact me in social sites, I am available through email too!

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