A place for QuickMark in WebEx?

I’ve been checking the WebEx API regularly to see if it’s ready for my addon, QuickMark.

The main bookmarking features I require have been there for a while now.
But it’s the way my add-on integrates with the interface that is proposing a problem.

I don’t expect that WebEx would ever support the techniques that I’m using now.
But I do hope my extension could be supported with alternative features.

The problem is that the bookmark button is tied to the bookmarks menu button.
If I would use a browser-action in it’s current state, the user would either have to sacrifice the bookmarks menu button or have 2 bookmark buttons in their toolbar.

Currently their is just no way for me to replicate these buttons neither tied together nor separately.

So I wanted to open a discussion here, about the possibility of WebEx supporting QuickMark.

Hey @Martijnj! I’m not sure which WebExtension API would be most helpful for you, but I wanted to let you know that proposed WebExtension APIs are discussed at our bi-weekly triage meetings.

If you have a use case for an API that isn’t currently under development, please submit it to Bugzilla. We will let you know when it is added to the triage agenda.

Also, if you are interested in building the API yourself, please feel free to do so using WebExtensions Experiments! When it is finished, please file an issue to the experiments repo and we will add it to the triage meeting agenda.

Thanks for all the info.

I’m not sure what kind of API would help me either.
The solutions I can think of seem a bit specific to my situation.
I made this thread to have some casual conversation about what possibilities there are.

Sure, that makes a lot of sense! Please also feel free to drop into the IRC channel #webextensions if you would like to talk more.