A Narrative on Coaching Training

My journey with Mozilla began in 2013. And since then, I have been privileged to have had some great mentors along the way. They did not just guide me through the various contribution pathways, but also helped me become the person I am today. It is because of them, that I came to understand and see first-hand, how I could become a better coach, and inspire change.

Throughout my journey as a Mozillian, I have been a part of many programs and campaigns where I got a chance to coach other people. Programs such as “Take back the web”, Mozilla Open Leaders, Mozilla Clubs, etc gave me the opportunity to improve as a coach. Mozilla Reps gave me a chance to grow.

Two things I learned from my mentor and what I now realize were absolutely important in the process were : Questions and Feedback. First is, encourage self reflection. Answers to our problems are always inside us. You just need to ask the correct questions to get those answers out. And secondly, I learned some time back, that Feedback can be one of the best tool which can be used to either build or destroy any idea.

GROW model can easily be one of the best resources to sustain the coach - coachee relation and take a more productive approach in any context. A systematic agenda where-in they would meet weekly/bi-weekly/twice a month, and discuss mutually-agreed topics assigned to to that particular meeting and plan topic for the next meeting, should be an ideal scenario.

Acknowledging the levels of listening, communication is an important part of any relationship and should be interactive to be meaningful. As far as listening is concerned, I feel, Global Listening would be more helpful to create a great bond between the coach and the coachee, as they would be more relatable.

Someday, I hope to help someone grow as a volunteer and as an individual just like someone helped me in my journey. :slight_smile:

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