365 Add-ons in 365 Days

Announcing 365 Add-ons in 365 Days initiative by Mozilla India Community.

A community goal to build 365 quality add-ons from 1 Jan 2018 to 31 Dec 2018 i.e., in 365 days.

Every month has theme, as one month for add-ons for l10n, utilities etc.

Who can join:
Anyone who want to create a add-on on port legacy add-on to FF57+ compatible can join this initiative.

If you are interested to join, add you name here.
How can you contribute:

  1. If you are a developer
    Pick a legacy add-on that can be ported to FF57+ compatible.

    Create a add-on and upload it to AMO.

  1. If you are a mobiliser/event organiser
    Organise a event to promote this campaign, make a request here.
    What to expect:
  • Speakers
  • Resources
  • Mentors to help in creating add-ons/porting legacy add-ons
  1. Design, l10n, Documnetation, Marketing, Social Media etc.

Types of events:

Event Type
Duration Agenda
Meetup 1hr-3hr Intro to WebExtensions, Networking, updates and follow up email.
Workhop 3hr-8hr Intro to WebExtensions, Exploring code snippets to sample add-ons, lab for creating add-on.
Hackathon/Sprint 8hr-24hr Brief session on WebExtensions, brainstorming for project ideas, networking slots to foster collaborations, leaderboard for fizing issues.

How to track:
Follow the collection 365 Add-ons in 365 Days on AMO.

Note: Some add-ons are in final stage and review, will be uploaded by end of January.
See Also:
Downloads design files from here.

Please share your ideas/suggestions to improvise the programm and ask queries for any clarity or more info.

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What is “Template addons” in January theme?

It is just looking at these examples, trying out some add-ons tweaking it.

January we gave it to prepare the community to practice JS and know more about WebExtensions API.

from Feb, we’ll go with theme based months.