02/26/2016 Smoke Test Results - Full Flash Aries Master: Smoke Test Not Performed - Full Flash FlameKK Master: 52/53 tests passed, 2 existing blockers

02/26/2016 Full Flash Aries Master - Smoke Test Not Performed

Smoke was not run today due to a sanity blocker.

Existing Sanity Blocker:
https://bugzil.la/1251293 - Phone will not progress past blue Firefox loading screen after OTA or reboot

Environmental Variables:
Device: Aries 2.6 [Full Flash]
BuildID: 20160225223612
Gaia: 4f0e2a1a42a2d049b6fe8f4f095cdcdf0fd5465c
Gecko: 918df3a0bc1c4d07299e4f66274a7da923534577
Gonk: a19052e4389c3ae2d8fc3e7a74a475401baacc56
Version: 47.0a1 (2.6)
Firmware Version: D5803_23.1.A.1.28_NCB.ftf
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:47.0) Gecko/47.0 Firefox/47.0

02/26/2016 Full Flash FlameKK Master - Smoke Test Results - 52/53 tests passed, 2 existing blockers

  • 52/53 passing
  • 0 reboots
  • 0 crashes

Notes: OTA was not tested today because it has been turned off due to security issues. The bugs tracking this issue are 1244893, 1244181, and 1232008.


Smoke Test Failures:


  • None Reported


  • Fails [6071]
  • This sanity blocker has been found to exist on Flame if Add Ons are enabled.


Severe Issues:

  • We are blocked from checking this due to Bug 1226307.
  • We are unable to reproduce this issue with our US T-Mobile and AT&T SIM cards.


Environmental Variables:
Device: FlameKK 2.6 [Full Flash][512mb]
BuildID: 20160226030419
Gaia: 4f0e2a1a42a2d049b6fe8f4f095cdcdf0fd5465c
Gecko: 918df3a0bc1c4d07299e4f66274a7da923534577
Gonk: 8a066f7fa7410e32b58def35f322aa33f03db283
Version: 47.0a1 (2.6)
Firmware Version: v18D v5
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:47.0) Gecko/47.0 Firefox/47.0


Build Location:

Daily Smoke Test Logs:

Moztrap Run:

Mozilla QA Team