Is it possible to flash Android on a Flatfish?

I have tried to flash it, but it does not works, stuck in the Firefox logo screen always, and the ‘adb shell’ or ‘adb logcat’ commands says: - exec ‘/system/bin/sh’ failed: No such file or directory (2) -.
I use the flash.bat tools and the cm/boot.img & cm/aosp build2/* files.

Hmm, using these commands? :
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash data userdata.img

It looks no different with I used the commands. I once performed manually, and also does not work.

Alright so, this is the error i am getting.

development/tools/emulator/system/camera/EmulatedCamera.cpp:969:1: error: invalid conversion from 'char* (*)(camera_device*)' to 'int (*)(camera_device*, int)' [-fpermissive]
development/tools/emulator/system/camera/EmulatedCamera.cpp:969:1: error: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(camera_device*, char*)' to 'char* (*)(camera_device*)' [-fpermissive]
development/tools/emulator/system/camera/EmulatedCamera.cpp:969:1: error: invalid conversion from 'int (*)(camera_device*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) {aka int (*)(camera_device*, int, int, int)}' to 'void (*)(camera_device*, char*)' [-fpermissive]
development/tools/emulator/system/camera/EmulatedCamera.cpp:969:1: error: invalid conversion from 'void (*)(camera_device*)' to 'int (*)(camera_device*, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) {aka int (*)(camera_device*, int, int, int)}' [-fpermissive]
development/tools/emulator/system/camera/EmulatedCamera.cpp:969:1: error: invalid conversion from 'int (*)(camera_device*, int)' to 'void (*)(camera_device*)' [-fpermissive]
development/tools/emulator/system/camera/EmulatedCamera.cpp:969:1: warning: missing initializer for member 'camera_device_ops::dump' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]

And here is the code causing the error(EmulatedCamera.cpp, line969 character1)
camera_device_ops_t EmulatedCamera::mDeviceOps = { EmulatedCamera::set_preview_window, EmulatedCamera::set_callbacks, EmulatedCamera::enable_msg_type, EmulatedCamera::disable_msg_type, EmulatedCamera::msg_type_enabled, EmulatedCamera::start_preview, EmulatedCamera::stop_preview, EmulatedCamera::preview_enabled, EmulatedCamera::store_meta_data_in_buffers, EmulatedCamera::start_recording, EmulatedCamera::stop_recording, EmulatedCamera::recording_enabled, EmulatedCamera::release_recording_frame, EmulatedCamera::auto_focus, EmulatedCamera::cancel_auto_focus, EmulatedCamera::take_picture, EmulatedCamera::cancel_picture, EmulatedCamera::set_parameters, EmulatedCamera::get_parameters, EmulatedCamera::put_parameters, EmulatedCamera::send_command, EmulatedCamera::release, EmulatedCamera::dump
-> }; <- this one


Welp, too bad we can’t have android

So I have tried flashing this system.img and userdata.img and this boot.img from the Firefox OS Build.
It seems that, the hybrid combination of system.img and userdata.img from @Borisbudini and boot.img from Firefox OS build works. :smiley:

Thanks a lot @Borisbudini for your build. Though it crashes a lot but it works thats the awesome thing.


So @feer56 told me to write a full instruction to flash Android in Flatfish Device. I am writing it below

  1. Download boot.img file from here
  2. Download system.img and userdata.img from here (Thanks @Borisbudini)
  3. Boot the device to fastboot mode. If you dont know how to do, see this instruction
  4. In the terminal go to the downloaded path and run following command one by one.
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash data userdata.img
fastboot reboot

And you will get your device running android:grin:


Thank you very much Safwan!!!

Nice! I got a working Android via the steps from @safwan.

It seems to crashes because to no external storage (/mnt/sdcard).

Like @yfdyh000 say, is a problem the impossibility of download or copy files to Internal SD, a shame not use internal 16 Gb. The majority of apps and system require one.
The touch sensor work but no like I’m expect.
I try mount it on Linux but not work.

However, many thanks for share it.

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Hey @safwan!
Thank you, for having the nerves, to find out the right combination. Keep on rocking! :firefox:

Yes, that is the cause of the crashes in that build

I can get the sdcard is up and working if remove the ‘extsd’ line (and convert tab symbols to spaces, though perhaps unnecessary) in /etc/vold.fstab. But the Settings app - Storage and some other apps still crashes.

Other issues:

  1. Camera app crashes because the Gallery app, even if the sdcard working.
  2. ‘extsd’ not works, don’t see the associated device (sunxi-mmc.0), even if the card has been inserted.
  3. Recovery environment does not respond to the volume button to up and down, it responds to the power button and touch to tap items.
  4. “Fastboot boot” command not works in fastboot mode, perhaps be a fastboot bug.
  5. No buttons combinations to trigger the Recovery and other environments, maybe I didn’t notice.

Thanks for the simple guide. @Borisbudini Awesome dude , we somehow got the flatfish booting into Android.

I also tried it on my tablet, and just like people above, same issues. So you got one more tester. :sunglasses:

  1. Yes Memory card issue is bugging me :unamused:

  2. We need to fix it before we go forward. Whats the trick of editing /etc/vold.fstab

Anyways Is there a way now to build Cyanogenmod now that AOSP is working? :slight_smile:

I noticed that /system/framework/framework-res.apk/res/xml/storage_list.xml probably need to be supplemented.
I try to use apktool to modify it, but encountered some problems.
I now successfully modified it by somehow, and got a working instead of bricked system, but the Settings - Storage still will crashes, and also began to crashes - USB share (like MTP) will lose.


@yfdyh000 Can you share “vold.fstab” and “framework-res.apk” please?

@everyone Anyway, I want to ask you a question: Is GPS working for you or it is broken? :confused:

It is nothing special in my opinion.

Currently I doubt the “storage_list.xml” maybe is not the root of the problems, because the apps still crashes after I added entry for “extsd” and the system successfully started.

When the Settings - Storage section crash, adb logcat -v threadtime -d > log.txt have:
08-07 19:09:02.248 2498 2498 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-07 19:09:02.248 2498 2498 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException
08-07 19:09:02.248 2498 2498 E AndroidRuntime: at

I did not find the reason, and I don’t have a way to debug it.

Thank you for the files! Is GPS working for you?

No, I just tested and confirmed that it does not works. No icon appears in the status bar when using. I see the error message:
E gpslogd : Can't open named pipe /data/gps/.gps.interface.pipe.to_gpsd for write, errno = 13 (Permission denied)

So nothing much can work? :neutral_face: I am flashing back firefoxos atleast I have a PDF reader , browser and a media player.