Hindi locale


My language(Hindi) was not on pontoon common voice project, so I have requested to add the language.
How long does it usually take to add a language?

Hi @nukeador

My language(Hindi) was not on pontoon common voice project, so I have requested to add the language.
How long does it usually take to add a language?

It shouldn’t take long, as soon as @pmo sees the request it should be approved (note that she is busy these days)

@nirmal.singhania2008 Hindi is now enabled. We usually get locale manager’s buy-in before enabling it. Thanks for your interest in the project.

@pmo @nukeador people are contributing but there is no one to review them.
please take a look.
it’s taking forever to just launch the Hindi Version.

Thank you for your feedback. Let me respond through email and add the community manager and translator in the thread.