More about Flights
26) I want to go on other days, or extend my stay, is that possible?
Yes it is. First of all, note that Mozilla will cover only the stay for the days of the event. That means that extra nights has to be covered by you, and can’t be requested for reimbursement later (as also with other expenses).
Second, note that if the flight is cheaper, it will be ok, but if the cost is higher we will probably reject it, unless it’s a difference of 50 USD (can be more if the flight is more expensive, but never beyond 80 USD).
27) It says Out of policy in all the flights, can I book it anyways?
Yes, the policy for this event is very strict, so if you can’t find any option in policy, book an out of policy flight (keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that you can book any flight out of policy, and we will be reviewing it).
28) I’m from a South Asian country, and there are cheaper options in Low-Cost airlines, can I book outside Egencia?
Yes, but please-please inform Francisco first in order to do the proper follow-up. Also, include a screenshoot of the Egencia portal to prove that the flight is considerable cheaper. We will reimburse through the standard process.
29) I’m still waiting for the approval of my Egencia account. Is that normal?
Well, like I’ve commented before the process is manual. There are 2 people that needs to review the details and check with the list of selected people. They received more than 50 requests in less than 24 hours, so please be mindful with this. They already approved most of this requests, but some of them has no complete name, or doesn’t match with what you included in the registration form. Please be aware of this. If you haven’t received anything yet, please check your spam folder first, and then email Francisco.