ConBee II support?

Be sure to update to the latest zigbee adapter.

I’m using zigbee adapter 7.14 on a new raspberry PI with a ConBee II dongle. This system won’t identify any of the new Cree bulbs I am trying to connect. I have another PI with an XStick2 ZB and that one identifies the bulbs just fine.

I’m trying to figure out if I have a defective dongle or if there are still issues using the ConBee. What can I check next?

Ignoring the date/time of the log entries, they’re actually for yesterday and today (November 12 and 13), here are the log entries related:

2019-08-14 23:17:40.340 ERROR : zigbee: Failed to load zigbee-adapter - Error: Port /dev/ttyACM0 looks like it might be a/an deConz dongle, but it couldn’t be opened. SerialProber: timeout: deConz dongle not detected on /dev/ttyACM0
2019-08-14 23:17:40.342 ERROR : zigbee: at Function.probeAll (/home/pi/.mozilla-iot/addons/zigbee-adapter/node_modules/serial-prober/serial-prober.js:157:19)
2019-08-14 23:17:40.344 ERROR : zigbee: at
2019-08-14 23:17:40.348 INFO : zigbee: Unhandled Rejection
2019-08-14 23:17:40.350 ERROR : zigbee: { Error: Canceled
2019-08-14 23:17:40.351 ERROR : zigbee: at Poller.emitCanceled (/home/pi/.mozilla-iot/addons/zigbee-adapter/node_modules/@serialport/bindings/lib/poller.js:101:17)
2019-08-14 23:17:40.353 ERROR : zigbee: at Poller.stop (/home/pi/.mozilla-iot/addons/zigbee-adapter/node_modules/@serialport/bindings/lib/poller.js:91:10)
2019-08-14 23:17:40.354 ERROR : zigbee: at close.then (/home/pi/.mozilla-iot/addons/zigbee-adapter/node_modules/@serialport/bindings/lib/linux.js:48:19)
2019-08-14 23:17:40.356 ERROR : zigbee: at canceled: true }

@dale1 Do you maybe have permissions issues with your dongle? Are you running are gateway image or something you built yourself?

I’m using the latest downloaded PI image from Mozilla, 0.9.2. I followed the same process that I used when I created my first gateway except that in the first case I used the XStick instead of the ConBee: I downloaded the latest image, burned it to SDRam using Etcher, ensured that the USB gateway was plugged in before first power-on of the PI, and powered up.

The ConBee I ordered, just coincidentally, is the same one IGx89 posted above about from Amazon on June 12 in this thread.

Well, here’s a strange update. Short story: it’s working now.

Long story, I had tried rebooting multiple times, I had powered off and powered back on, all to no avail. I went to bed Wednesday night with it not working, getting the error shown in the log snippet above.

When I got home from work Thursday I thought I’d try again. The first thing I did was set the clock so I could get the real date and time in the log and then I restarted again, no power off - just shutdown -r now. When it came back up, I checked the log again and there were some errors but it appeared the ConBee was going to work.

I’m using this gateway for a second location and also to screen capture/document my Python code for an article so I can show it from scratch.

I tried to add sample light I was using for my example and it was found right away and added and controlled successfully!

Overnight, I got several watchdog messages so dhylands’ watchdog code is working and all seems good there.

There are still several odd errors in the log related to Confirm Status: 233: unknown addr: e20db9fffe09d2de 44f3. I’ll research those in the code and documentation before posting another thread on that process. When I turned on my lamp this morning (I shut it off with the physical switch last night), the gateway page synced itself with the status, showing the light on, within about 2 seconds. I think that’s related to the Confirm Status error messages. It was certainly desirable behavior so I’m not sure it’s actually an error.

Anyway, my ConBee appears to be working.

My Conbee II is very intermittent. I will reboot my RPi3, it tells me Zigbee device not found. I restart the gateway, same. lsusb shows me it is there. Reboot again, it finally shows up. Weird! Why?

I’m having problems authenticating my Conbee II to the Mozilla Gateway. I’ve got the Conbee recognised by deCONZ, and using can enable a device (a Xiaomi temperature sensor). deCONZ shows the sensor, and… shows the vaues on the sensor.

But when I try to configure the Zigbee (ConBee USB stick) in the Addons page I’m floored. I know the IP address of the host with the Conbee - is that the"URL to device with ConBee USB-stick"? But what is the apikey? The page refers to the and the one for zigbee-conbee-adapter, which points me to ./.mozilla-iot/addons/zigbee-conbee-adapter. I tried HTTP Basic Auth which says it uses " base64 encoded version of username:password" Whose username? Whose password? The Mozilla logs say (I used the deCONZ password, here replaced by …) INFO config {‘url’: ‘’, ‘apikey’: ‘…’}
zigbee-conbee: INFO init ConBeeAdapter
zigbee-conbee: INFO START Pairing Lights
zigbee-conbee: ERROR ERROR Exception unknown url type: ‘…//lights’

Sorry, I’m not making the link between the Mozilla screens and the deCONZ documentation - any simple walkthrough would help!

TIA, Jan

After much research I am ordering a Conbee II to experiment with Mozilla WebThings gateway.

I was wondering if I need to update its firmware or do anything special before trying this.

I will be starting a new documentation page on the wiki for the Conbee II stick to add and summarizing what I find out about it. Any comments and edits are most welcome.

Just jumping in here, uneducated… but…

Just reading this entire thread, it seems you should NOT be using that “Addon” (from this thread on the 30th April


Apr 30

You actually shouldn’t be using the conbee addon. It’s designed to connect to the deConz REST server (which in turn connects to the dongle). The regular zigbee adapter supports the conbee directly.

So the only reason to use the Conbee addon is if you’ve already got a deConz REST setup running that you don’t want to disturb

As I see it for the Conbee II you just use the “Zigbee” addon that is pre-installed in the official build…
I may be wrong tho!! :slight_smile:
I don’t have any hardware to try…

Thanks! I had tried the standard Zigbee addon but it hadn’t found anything. I tried again, same result. Finally - after looking at source code - I found the debug option ‘frame’ and discovered from the logs that deCONZ had locked /dev/ACM0, blocking discovery. After stopping deCONZ, the standard Mozilla Zigbee addon was able to find the Conbee.

Sometime later I saw temperature and humidity measures with an illegal address (a3b7) coming from the Xiaomi and later the addon had an assertion error, but those are issues for a different topic!