Common Voice Android (unofficial app)

Why don’t you try and help where there is help wanted labels on Github ? Someone with Android knowledge would be useful there, instead of re-inventing a rectangular wheel and asking for others to make it round ?

@Sav22999 There could also be legal issues, since third-party apps does not allows us to ensure proper agreement from end-user regarding data collection, and thus it is a legal threat and would make those data not redistribuable.


Thanks @Sav22999 for opening this topic. It seems clear to me that there are a few issues with our mobile version that have lead you to create your own app to solve them.

I really appreciate your interest and effort, and since you already have listed in this topic a few of them, it would be extremely beneficial to the project if you can fill them as github issues, indicating the browser and android version you used. I suggest we continue the technical and debugging conversation in each issue for better visibility and order.

We definitely want to improve the experience on Android and in 2020 we want to do so by enabling some Progressive Web Apps (PWA) capabilities to the site and fixing any glitches on the mobile UX people with diverse devices and Android versions might find.

By improving the mobile web experience we will directly impact thousands of contributors that currently using it, and you can help us here with your feedback.

Thank you again! :smiley: