I proposed something like that in another thread, https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/browser-integration-and-continuity-features-for-firefox-os/5656. I’d love to see that, but I’m afraid there are no plans to implement that for the foreseeable future…
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I guess this would require direct access to MozTelephony and MozSMS APIs, which are certified. Therefore an app seems not useful for this in my opinion.
I just want to say that I’m currently developping a countdown addon for the homescreen. I know that attendees to some events like having a countdown before the event. It is just to learn and it’s not much. There is a preview:
It’s in french but there is almost no texts so I will translate it in more languages.
As Genma said, I will probably work on an encryption addon after this one.
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stargayte: That look very cool! I’d love to see that soon =D